Spokane Pride Privacy Policy

Effective Date

May 19, 2024


This privacy policy applies to personal information collected by OutSpokane (dba “Spokane Pride”).

Personal Information We Collect

Spokane Pride (OutSpokane) collects personal information in several contexts:

  • Volunteering

  • Spokane Pride Store 

  • SMS Communications

  • Surveys


For some positions, volunteers may be subject to a background check. As part of the volunteer application process, volunteers must submit personal information including:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Email Address

  • Phone Number

  • Date of Birth

  • Reason for Volunteering

  • Certifications / Permits

Spokane Pride Store

As part of purchasing Spokane Pride merchandise online, customers may submit personal information including:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Email Address

  • Phone Number

  • Clothing size


As  part of sending SMS request to the Spokane Pride help des, guests and volunteers may submit personal information including:

  • Name

  • Phone Number

  • Assistance Request


Any and all questions on the survey are voluntary and are not required to submit the survey. Participants in our surveys may be asked for the following:

  • Name

  • Phone number

  • Address

  • Email

  • Age

  • Applicable ethnicity questions

How We Use Your Information

Spokane Pride uses the information collected as part of its ongoing operations and to service requests.  Volunteer information is used to coordinate with volunteers to obtain assistance for Spokane Pride events.  Spokane Pride Store information is used to fulfill orders for Spokane Pride Merchandise.  SMS information is used to respond to questions from guests and volunteers participating in the Spokane Pride Parade and Festival, and other Spokane Pride events.


How We Disclose Your Information

Spokane Pride uses the information we collect for internal purposes and does not sell any information we collect.  Spokane Pride may share information with third party service providers when necessary for business purposes.  For example, volunteers in some positions may be subject to background checks.  When required, Spokane Pride will share information with a service provider to obtain a background check.  Spokane Pride will share information when required to comply with law enforcement or national security requests, such as a court order or a warrant. Spokane Pride may use demographic information for the purposes of applying for grants or financial assistance for the organization.

Your Choices

Volunteers may choose to stop volunteering with Spokane Pride and ask that their information be expunged.  To do so contact volunteer@spokanepride.org.  SMS users may opt-out of additional communications with Spokane Pride by responding “STOP” to any Spokane Pride SMS.

Children’s Information

Spokane Pride’s volunteer opportunities, merchandise store, SMS services, and surveys are not directed to children under 13 years of age.  Spokane Pride does not knowingly collect personal information from children.  If your child has submitted information that should be expunged, please contact volunteer@spokanepride.org

Changes to this Policy

Spokane Pride may update this policy from time to time.  Updated versions of this policy will be posted to the Spokane Pride website.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact info@spokanepride.org